
English Resumé:

Ms. 110, f. 183, BM d'Aix, XIVe siècle


2009: PhD in Art History with the distinction magna cum laude at the University of Burgundy (Dijon) under the direction of Prof. Daniel Russo: “L’art des huchiers restreint au mobilier liturgique des chœurs (stalles, jubés, autels, retables) dans le Grand Duché de Bourgogne aux XVe et XVIe siècles”. Examiners: Christian Heck (University of Lille III), Roland Recht (Collège de France), Alison Stones (University of Pittsburgh).
2005Master 2 in Art History at the University of Burgundy (Dijon) under the direction of Prof. Daniel Russo on the subject: “Le décor sculpté des stalles de la collégiale de Montréal (Bourgogne)”.
2004: Master 1 in Art History the Sorbonne (Paris I) under the direction of Dr. Quitterie Cazes: “L’église romane de Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines (Bourgogne)”.

Awards and Fellowships

2014: Post-doctoral Fellowship Max Planck Institute at the MaxNetAging Research School (Rostock, Germany) and at the Kunsthistorisches Institut (Florence, Italy) (50 400 €)
Project on the representation of the elderly people in the scenes of Jesus' Childhood in the Tuscan Painting, 14th-16th centuries.
2011: Post-doctoral fellowship at the Université Paris-Sorbonne (35 000€)
Project “Musiconis” devoted to the representation of sound in medieval art, construction of the database and lexicon.
2010: Grant from the Index of Christian Art in Princeton University (15 000$)
Classifying the collection of Elaine C. Block (photos of choir stalls) for the database ICA.
2007: Grant from the Inventaire Général, French Ministry of Culture (1000€)
Elaboration of index forms for the burgundian liturgical furniture in the database Palissy.

Teaching Experience

• 2016-2022: Teacher of arts and music at the European School of Brussels III, head of the art department since 2020.
•  2011-2013: Master seminars at the Sorbonne University.
• 2010: Junior Lecturer at the École Normale Catholique Blomet (Paris) in Art History (Middle Ages and Renaissance).
• 2009-2010: Junior Lecturer at the University of Burgundy (Dijon), teaching courses on the Figurative Arts of the Middle Ages (5th-15th centuries) and Monumental Arts and Architecture of the 11th-12th centuries (for undergraduate students). Methodology for undergraduate students.
• 2008: Mentoring at the University of Burgundy (Dijon).

Selected Publications
• 2015: “The Choir Stalls in the Choir Space”, Lexicon for Medieval Choir Stalls, Liturgical Furniture 13th to 16th Century, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers.
• 2015: Restitution du son, l'Instrumentarium du Moyen Âge, acts of the conference from Paris and Chartres.
• 2015: Les stalles, siège du corps dans les choeurs liturgiques du Grand Duché de Bourgogne, XVe-XVIe siècles, Paris, L'Harmattan.
• 2014: “Figures de l’Harmonia Mundi dans les manuscrits et les stalles gothiques en France. Les anges musiciens et le roi David accordant sa harpe”, Médiévales 66.
• 2014: L'architecture religieuse romane en France, coll. Les Petits Vocabulaires, Bordeaux, éd. Confluences.
• 2013: Les instruments de musique et les musiciens au Moyen Âge, coll. Les Petits Vocabulaires, Bordeaux, éd. Confluences.
• 2012: “Hybrids in Choir Stalls, a Myth Transgressed or Aristotle Denied?”, Porticvm, pp. 80-88.
• 2012: “The Art of the Misericord-Neglected and Important”, From Minor to Major. The Minor Arts in Medieval Art History directed by Colum Hourihane, Princeton University Press.
• 2011: La Nature, rythme et danse des saisons, acts of the Misericordia International Colloquium of Basel 2006, series Profane Arts of the Middle Ages, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers.
• 2010: “L’art et la spiritualité”, Revue 3e Millénaire n° 95 (April), pp. 72-79.
• 2008: “La caricature au plus près du sacré: le cas des sculptures grimaçantes et irrévérencieuses dans les stalles du XVe siècle en pays bourguignon, flamand, et rhéno-mosan”, Ridiculosa, p. 133-144.


French (native speaker), English (C2), Italian (A2), German (notions), Spanish (notions), Dutch (notions). Latin (reading and translation), Old French (Langue d’Oïl, Anglo-Norman, Moyen Francais: reading and translation), Occitan (reading and translation).


Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint (expert); Photoshop (advanced user); QuarkXPress (advanced user); R (beginner); File Maker Pro (advanced user).

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